
Can Restaurant Insurance Restore Your Reputation in a Crisis?


Reputation is the foundation of a restaurant. Lose your reputation and you lose the business.

Tainted food can kill your reputation overnight, but that’s only one of the risks that can put a restaurant out of business. Whether it’s an armed robbery in the parking lot, a grease fire that gets out of hand, or a natural disaster that flattens the structure, your restaurant cannot escape the potential for a serious setback that puts the entire enterprise at risk. And restaurant owners need to think about more than just a possible crisis.

You need to weigh what happens in the weeks and months after the damage is done:

  • How will you pay for crisis-management expertise to rescue your company’s reputation?
  • Where are you most vulnerable?
  • Have you accounted for post-crisis expenses?
  • How will you care for your stakeholders?
  • Who will talk to the media to defuse the crisis?

For quick answers, fill out the form and download our free guide: 5 Big Things Restaurant Owners Need to Think About Before There’s a Big Problem.

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